Hurricane Laura Evacuee Support

Capital Area United Way, in collaboration with Mayor-President Sharon Weston Broome and the Community Foundation of Southwest Louisiana launched a fund dedicated to serving Hurricane Laura evacuees being housed in state designated emergency shelters across East Baton Rouge.

Through coordination with Louisiana Department of Child and Family Services emergency shelter supervisors, Capital Area United Way can respond to the greatest need, in real time, of our neighbors to the southwest that have taken refuge in hotels in the Capital area. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, congregate shelters were not available to those evacuees needing shelter, thus creating greater needs than already would have existed.

DCFS will use these funds to distribute gift cards to evacuees for the purchase of basic needs items such as toiletries, food, clothing, hygiene products and other basic needs that they otherwise do not have direct access to. Evacuees who received these gift cards will need to be identified by the DCFS and in residence in state identified emergency hotels. Evacuees still in need of shelter can text keyword LASHELTER to 898-211 for the most up to date information.

Visit for more information. 

Total Amount
Donor Information - Hurricane Laura
Credit Card
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